Saturday, May 1, 2010

We're Off! ( The Great Hunt)

Exciting Day!

We leave at 9:10 PM so the limo picks us up at 6:00 for our first class flight to Rome.

The day started early with yours truly up at 5:00 AM to sneak our garbage down to the municipal container as we won't be here for garbage day.

Then off to see YG play touch football at 8:30 - good game and he played very well!

SL does love her bit of fun, so she hid my LG Netbook and then played along as we searched the house high and low for 2 hours, phoned everyone whose house we have been to during the past week, phoned the exterminator and tactfully asked if he might have accidentally put it in his bag, looked in both cars - you know the drill.

I eventually found her hiding place and retrieved my beloved LG Netbook. I then had to call the extermination company to see if they would consider giving the gentleman his job back, as it was never my intention to accuse him of theft.

I do not know why SL loves this game. It is not to my liking, at least not on the day of our departure. I think that women in general like this game more than men. I know that my brother Ken's wife Marcia, who is normally quite a reasonable person, frequently hides his keys, his wallet, and his cell phone. Not being the pro that SL is however, she tells him where they are when he asks.

Good luck to the beautiful and talented Klaude who headlines a show in Brantford tonight, unfortunately without me by her side, as our original plan was to be in Tuscany by this point - but you see, there was this volcano....

1 comment:

  1. How is it? Where are you? How are you? Details, details, man! Au revoir et bon voyage (sorry, no italiano)
