Monday, May 24, 2010

Naxos - Unwinding

Images: The Mountains in the Interior; Our Taverna on the Sea; The Market in Naxos; The Beach

If the beginning of our adventure was marked by challenges including erupting volcanoes, bad weather and unfathomable maps/roadsigns, the hallmark of this leg of the journey must be complete and utter relaxation.
The island of Naxos is stunningly beautiful, as I hope the pix testify, but the best part is that there is no downside to exploring. If we get lost, it's an island and you can't go too far wrong. If we get lost, we stop and have some fresh fish, and the best Greek salad you will ever find. If we get lost, we get out and explore. No one drives fast here - there is no hurry to get anywhere.
I went for a long walk on the beach this morning before SL got up. There is not much of a market for bathing suits here in Naxos, and let me tell you that God had a pretty good sense of humour when it came to the range of human bodies he puts on display! (SL and I excepted of course!)
On the subject of bodies, we are trying to watch our weight, but I fear it is a losing battle. We walked for an hour this morning, and I swam yesterday in the beautiful pool here at Agios Prokopios Hotel. Every meal we have seems to come with French Fries. I ordered a fruit salad for breakfast - it was served with French Fries on the side. Of course, we feel we would be insulting our Greek friends not to eat them.
The Agios Prokopios Hotel is wonderful. Van Gellis and Effi are the nicest couple you can imagine, incredibly young to own a hotel, and speak almost perfect English. The hotel is spotless, and we get maid service every day. They do the dishes, the laundry, clean towels, etc. All this for $60/day including a rental car!
Tomorrow we visit the city of Naxos (called Chora here).


  1. what a great blog, and beautiful pictures! keep the updates coming. i completely agree that it would be insulting to not eat the fries, but thankfully as you know there are no calories when you are on vacation and/or eating while consuming good wine. enjoy and hope you continue to have a great time!

  2. Hi Ali!
    Great to hear from you! I hope you and Steverino are enjoying parenthood!.
    We can't wait to meet the Principessa in person!

  3. Johnny:
    If no one sees ya eating them, then you can't add the calories. Tell Rainy to turn away as you have another fry!
    Chauncey as you know has returned from Sevilla and I asked her for help in giving me ideas for a “recent” cover. So she suggested Train's “Hey Soul Sister.” It's a cute little ditty that could have harmony. It's a fun song and I might even steal Timo's uke to play it in June. I'm off to Maine early tomorrow AM God willing. So we can Skype from there. Just remember these sage words from old Harrison, “There are more myths in a Mythos than there are seeds in a Bud!” Enjoy the day. R

  4. I LOVE "Hey Soul Sister!" Great groove - I can just hear you guys...
    Just wanted to add (just typed "ass" by mistake, hmmmm) that if you BREAK the fries while eating them, this will induce calorie leakage. Italian fries, I have heard, are particularly prone to this phenomenon, so you are in...good shape.
