Friday, April 16, 2010

The Best Laid Plans

Well, who wouldda thunk it?

SL and I are having a wonderful time babysitting the gkids while G and J are in Europe, returning tonight. Wait - Europe? Tonight? By plane? Isn't Iceland near Europe? Doesn't Iceland have volcanoes??

Yep. The kids are grounded and cannot get a flight out of Sweden, and don't know when they are going to be able to fly home. And yes, SL and I are scheduled to leave on Tuesday...

Now, less intrepid travelers than SL and I might be daunted or worried, but we have all kinds of contingency plans. I visited the adoption agency this morning, and the paperwork is being processed to make SL and I the official parents of M and K, then we are just taking them with us to Italy.

When G and J join up with us in Tuscany, we will consider letting them have their kids back, but I don't know. I have grown pretty attached to the little ankle-biters.

We had our last Italian lesson on Monday night, and I learned a second phrase. SL was getting pretty sick of me practising "Un'altro birra, per favore?".

Grazie to Angela, our Italian teacher for putting up with us for 9 weeks. We had lots of fun, and learned enough to give us the nerve to try it out in Italy. I can't help but wonder, though if All of the vocabulary SL mutters in my direction would be acceptable to the Pope.

Will post again when the whole volcano thing gets resolved. M and K and I are at the library, where we all played dressup. K was a fireman, M was a princess (who would have guessed?) and I found a retired teacher's costume.

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