Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day Four Montesole Our Mountain House in Sicily

Images: Our Mountain Road; Our Daily Walks; SL Said I Had to Take My Shirt Off!

Day Four
Phone and Luggage.
Remember how we said that the Sicilian VILLAGERS were the friendliest and most helpful people we ever met? Not so with all of the citta folk.
Our goal today was to make it down the mountain (exactly 4 km), to get our cell phone working, and to reunite with our luggage. As we left our mountain casa, we wondered whether we should bother taking our passaporti, or whether we should leave them safe in the house.
We made it down the mountain successfully, and even realized where we had taken the wrong turn yesterday. Having been (rhymes with PIN - OK, I'll stop) told that we need to go to the Central TIM store (phone, not coffee) in Giardini Naxos, we made the hour long drive to be told by the singularly unhelpful TIM representative that she could not unlock our phone without our passports. Telling her that we really only needed to make one phone call to inquire about our lost luggage, she said that we could not use her phone as it was only an “internal line”, within the office. Now the office was only two people – both within eye contact of each other. They need an “internal line” to talk to each other?
We were directed to two phone booths, neither of which worked, and to an Internet Point – kind of an Internet Cafe- which had no Internet working. The only place to get Internet access was at the Hotel al Riva, and they would not let us access it unless we booked a room.
Lest you think the trip so far has been a disaster, we remind ourselves everyday that the only real impact so far is that we have a limited wardrobe, I have no guitar, and you, dear reader, will see all of these posts at once if we ever find an Internet connection.
Today, we took two long walks up the mountain. At one point, we turned the corner and Etna presented herself in all her glory. It seemed like we had walked right up to her, and it was breathtaking. We are so close to the top of our mountain that we have a spectacular view of all the other mountains and valleys that surround us.
Tonight, I cooked chicken legs on the Weberwannabee (tiny charcoal BBQ). SL made pasta and salad. We drank vino locale – from the mayor's wife. Etna watched us, smiled, and approved.

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