Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Time Warp

No The Blog won't jump twenty years

Time Warp - featuring Sandy Lubert

Tuscan Hillside - Where the Blog SHOULD be (Chronologically)
Let's Do The Time Warp!

 So here's the thing. One might think that I have nothing better to do than write blogs, but the fact is that we get quite busy. We eat, we explore, we hike, we sleep, we exercise, we drink wine, we play guitar, we drink cappuccinos. Throw in the inconsistent access to the Internet and I have fallen behind.
We are now in Corsica (Corse), and the blog is still in Tuscany – in fact, it is just on its way there. So here is what I am going to do. I am going to skip ahead to the present, as the blogs always seem to be fresher if I am writing about what is going on now, rather than two weeks ago.
Oh, stop the wailing and gnashing of teeth. I am not going to pull a LOST! on you. The island of Corsica won't disappear and then reappear 40 years into the future (or past – I could never figure out that show...) It is not as if one blog I will be fine, then the next I will be sporting a full leg cast, and you are saying, “What ho??! John was fine in the last blog I read!?” For one thing, I do not have a cast right now.
I will also go back intermittently to recapture our halcyon days in Tuscany – Santa Fiora and Lucca.

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